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5 Ways Your Mine Benefits From Outsourcing Drill & Blast Designs

Outsourcing Drill & Blast Designs

5 Ways Your Mine Benefits From Outsourcing Drill & Blast Designs

Are you feeling the pinch from the Mining Engineer shortage? Are your Mining Engineers struggling to complete drill and blast designs to match scheduled stope production? Do you want to increase your drill and blast productivity and efficiency?

Outsourcing your drill and blast designs may be the solution.

Improvements to operational performance can only be realised when you try something different to what you are currently doing. By outsourcing this time-consuming task, designed drill stocks are maintained, and site-based engineers can spend more time undertaking value add activities. It will allow a focus on improved drill and blast performance, operational efficiencies, better quality control, increased productivity and cost reduction.

When you partner with an experienced company that specialises in external drill and blast designs, you can ensure that you will get quality designs according to your site-specific standards, with a constant emphasis on continually improving outcomes for the operation.


1. Cost Savings

Employing a site-based Mining Engineer on an annual salary, inclusive of additional overheads such as flights, accommodation, messing, training and admin costs is a significant investment. 

Are you maximising value by fully utilising your Mining Engineers’ skills and abilities? 

Mining Engineers need to be working closely with operators to efficiently manage and improve modern production operations. Optimal results are created by implementing improvement projects, reducing costs and increasing efficiencies, not just sitting in front of a computer designing hole after hole. 

By outsourcing Drill and Blast designs, your Mining Engineers will be able to carry out their role efficiently and effectively, increasing job satisfaction as well as productivity across your site.

Drill designs charged on a cost per-drill metre basis can make outsourcing a cost-effective option, without the hidden costs associated with hourly rates.


2. Flexible Solutions

Outsourcing your drill and blast design work provides flexibility to ensure required drill and blast designs are completed on schedule during critical production times or periods of staff leave or vacancy.

Given the dynamic conditions within the current employment marketplace for Mining Engineers, AMPS has the ability to match and adapt to these changes to meet client demands. This enables you to respond to changing priorities and requirements.

We understand that every site is unique and presents its own complexities and challenges, which is why we make a point to work closely with our clients. This ensures that all designs adhere to site-specific drill and blast design parameters, whilst also identifying potential drill and blast improvements that may be applicable.


3. Skilled and Professional Expertise 

Outsourcing your drill and blast designs to a reputable, skilled and experienced company will give you peace of mind and leave you safe in the knowledge that your designs will be high quality and delivered on time.

We have significant experience in Underground Drill & Blast Design and specialise in ongoing design, optimisation and implementation of industry-proven systems, procedures, processes and documentation.


4. A Fresh Perspective

Drawing on an experienced team of Mining Engineers means accessing a vast array of exposure to different mining methods, deposits and drill design techniques. The combined experience can provide a new perspective on difficult mining areas or identify possible solutions to recurring drill and blast issues.


5. Save Valuable Time

It is challenging for most Mining Engineers to maintain required drill and blast designed stocks while also finding enough time to inspect production areas underground. Outsourcing your drill and blast design creates the opportunity to optimise your Mining Engineers’ time on site whilst ensuring that production drills keep drilling and production rates are maintained. 


We partner with our clients to deliver cost savings, improved production cycles, and industry best practices. To learn more about how AMPS can benefit your mining operations, get in touch today at